Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences

Department of Building Structures and Structural Mechanics

Head of Department – Assoc. Prof. Jolanta Anna Prusiel, PhD, Eng.

j.prusiel [at] pb.edu.pl

Department Office:

Dorota Maleszewska, MSc
Wiejska 45E street, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
room: 239A
+48 85 746 96 00
+48 571 443 125
wb.kkbimb [at] pb.edu.pl

Scientific and didactic employees:

Degree/title, Name and surname Room Phone/mobile Email
prof. Czesław Miedziałowski, DSc, PhD, Eng. WB-220A   c.miedzialowski [at] pb.edu.pl
Assoc. Prof. Mirosław Broniewicz, DSc, PhD, Eng. WB-203A   m.broniewicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Assoc. Prof. Tadeusz Chyży, DSc, PhD, Eng. WB-219A   t.chyzy [at] pb.edu.pl
Assoc. Prof. Marta Kosior-Kazberuk, DSc, PhD, Eng. WB-237A 797 995 935 m.kosior [at] pb.edu.pl
Assoc. Prof. Janusz Krentowski, DSc, PhD, Eng. WB-220B   j.krentowski [at] pb.edu.pl
Michał Baszeń, PhD, Eng. WB-222A   m.baszen [at] pb.edu.pl
Krzysztof Czech, PhD, Eng. WB-222A   k.czech [at] pb.edu.pl
Mariusz Gnatowski, PhD, Eng. WB-234A   m.gnatowski [at] pb.edu.pl
Marcin Gryniewicz, PhD, Eng. WB-207A   m.gryniewicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Robert Grygo, PhD, Eng. WB-227A   r.grygo [at] pb.edu.pl
Agnieszka Jabłońska-Krysiewicz, PhD, Eng. WB-227A   a.krysiewicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Julita Krassowska, PhD, Eng. WB-207A   j.krassowska [at] pb.edu.pl
Assoc. Prof. Joanna Krętowska, PhD, Eng. WB-223A   j.kretowska [at] pb.edu.pl
Monika Mackiewicz, PhD, Eng. WB-229A   m.mackiewicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Barbara Sadowska-Buraczewska, PhD, Eng. WB-236A barbara.sadowska [at] pb.edu.pl
Romuald Szeląg, PhD, Eng. WB-220B   r.szelag [at] pb.edu.pl
Adam Walendziuk, PhD, Eng. WB-221A   a.walendziuk [at] pb.edu.pl
Filip Broniewicz, PhD, Eng. WB-203A   filip.broniewicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Sandra Mlonek, MSc, Eng. WB-229A   s.mlonek [at] pb.edu.pl
Jan Klimasara, MSc, Eng. WB-206A   j.klimasara [at] pb.edu.pl
Michał Dzun, MSc, Eng. WB-206A   michal.dzun [at] pb.edu.pl

Scientific and technical staff

Degree/title, Name and surname Room Phone/mobile Email
Andrzej Gromow, MSc, Eng. WB-062B    
Rafał Wasilczyk, PhD, Eng. IET-1/H/9   r.wasilczyk [at] pb.edu.pl
Czesław Kietliński, Eng IET-1/H/9    
Anna Żakowicz, MSc, Eng. WB-221A 797 995 946 a.zakowicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Marcin Cieluch, MSc, Eng. IET-1/H/9 marcin.cieluch [at] pb.edu.pl

Works for the development of young scientists and participants of doctoral studies

No. Title Work manager
1. Experimental and theoretical research of innovative solutions in building structures, considering the sustainable development of construction Assoc. Prof. Jolanta Anna Prusiel, DSc, PhD, Eng.
2. Methods and aspects of the analysis of complex heterogeneous building elements and structures, including defects and damage prof. Czesław Miedziałowski, DSc, PhD, Eng.

Services and research offer:

  • Analysis of ultimate limit states and serviceability of structures
  • Theory of reliability of structures, including an analysis of exceptional situations, analysis of operation of silo chambers, free-standing and blocked, under static and dynamic load, taking into account the thermal and moisture effects and the interaction with the stored loose media and the subsoil
  • Analysis of the redistribution of internal forces and deformations of building structures, including experimental studies under the interaction of static loads and various environmental factors
  • Studies of the behavior of concrete structural elements with non-metallic reinforcement
  • Experimental studies of objects and structural elements in the natural scale
  • Issues of durability of structures and corrosion of structural materials
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of corrosion protection
  • Use of fracture mechanics parameters for the analysis of the failure process of concrete elements
  • Advanced experimental studies of the properties of structural concretes containing ashlar aggregate, dispersed reinforcement, recycled aggregate or other waste materials
  • Advanced analysis of steel bar structures of halls with consideration of cooperation of sandwich panel cladding
  • Analysis of susceptible junctions and their influence on the statics of steel structures
  • FEM modeling of steel bolted and welded joints
  • Design of steel structures according to European standards
  • Design of lightweight steel structures made from cold-bent sections
  • Problems of application and design of structural elements from sections with closed sections
  • Design of steel structures in accordance with the theory of sustainable development
  • Assessment and diagnosis of technical condition and safety of building structures
  • Expertise and testing of steel, reinforced concrete and prestressed structure elements (including bridge structures)
  • Preparation of statements and technical recommendations
  • Test loads on building structures
  • Assessment of the behaviour of joints in steel structures
  • Reinforcement of structures with new generation concretes
  • Development and implementation of new products in the field of building structures
  • Investigations of physical and mechanical properties of cement composites
  • Expert opinions and construction projects
  • Scientific and research work and studies
  • Expertise and technical design
  • Strength assessment of construction elements
  • Software and training in computer techniques
  • Static analyses of various types of structures
  • Dynamic calculations, analyses of structures loaded with time-varying excitation
  • Impact assessment of ground-borne vibrations on buildings and their users
  • Structural stability calculations
  • Analysis of structures in non-linear range
  • Analysis of damaged structures and in failure states


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