Acting Department Head: Prof. Piotr Banaszuk, DSc, PhD
p.banaszuk [at]
Department Office:
Anna Backiel, MSc
Science and Research Center
ul. Wiejska 45E, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
room: 119
+48 85 746 95 90
a.backiel [at]
Scientific and didactic employees:
Degree/title, Name and surname |
Room |
Phone/mobile |
Email |
Prof. Piotr Banaszuk, DSc, PhD |
WB-10B*** |
797 995 949 |
p.banaszuk [at] |
Prof. Tomasz Oszako, DSc, PhD, Eng. |
WB-132A*** |
+48 85 746 95 42 |
t.oszako [at] |
Aleksander Kołos, DSc, PhD |
WB-71 B*** |
85 746 96 58
571 443 136 |
a.kolos [at] |
Łukasz Kolendo, PhD, Eng. |
WB-114A*** |
l.kolendo [at] |
Dan Wołkowycki, PhD, Eng. |
WB-133A*** |
+48 85 746 95 43
+48 789 126 198 |
d.wolkowycki [at] |
Tomasz Ginszt, PhD, Eng. |
WB-131A*** |
+48 85 746 95 41 |
t.ginszt [at] |
Izabela Sondej, PhD |
WB-118A*** |
izabela.sondej |
Konrad Wilamowski, MSc, Eng. |
1.3** |
k.wilamowski [at] |
Didactic employees
Degree/title, Name and surname |
Room |
Phone/mobile |
Email |
Małgorzata Rauba, PhD, Eng. |
WB-132A*** |
+48 85 746 95 42
+48 728 989 027 |
m.rauba [at] |
Scientific and technical staff
* – Hajnówka, Piłsudskiego 8 street
** – Hajnówka, CN-B INL Piłsudskiego 1A street
*** – Białystok, Wiejska 45E street
Works for the development of young scientists and participants of doctoral studies
No. |
Title |
Work manager |
1. |
Protection of natural biodiversity and forest functions in the conditions
of contemporary climate changes and social expectations towards forestry |
Dan Wołkowycki, PhD, Eng. |
Services and research offer:
- Expert opinions and planning studies on diversification and protection of forest environment
- Inventories of nature
- Operational documents, protection plans and plans of protection tasks in the field of nature protection
- Planning of protective measures on the areas of Natura 2000 network, national parks and nature reserves
- Environmental monitoring on forest areas, monitoring of habitats and species Natura 2000
- Training in nature protection and environmental monitoring
- Expert opinions on the circulation of biogenic compounds in forest ecosystems, the condition of soil and water
- Expert opinions on tree diseases and pathogens, risk assessment of infestation of fungal tree pathogens
- Expert opinions on pathogenesis and epidemiology of infectious and invasive diseases of free living animals
- Assessment of changes in composition, structure and diversity of forest ecosystems under climatic and environmental changes
- Expertise on the control of invasive alien species
- Assessment of the impact of anthropogenic factors on the quality of surface waters and water-dependent habitats
- Expert opinions on modification of methods of forest shaping and protection as well as nature protection in forest areas
- Expertise on the use of wood residues in restoring biological balance to fallow soils
- Preparation of numerical maps
- Assessment of land suitability for specific functions (e.g. location of RES investments)
- Analysis of airborne laser scanning data and generation of derived products (NMT, NMPT, NMK, raster statistics)
- Hydrological analyses based on NMT (runoff directions, flow accumulation, catchment delimitation)
- Determination of selected tree, stand and ecosystem characteristics based on remote sensing data, including airborne laser scanning