Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences

Department of Geotechnics, Roads and Geodesy

Head of the Department – prof. Katarzyna Zabielska-Adamska, DSc, PhD, Eng.

kadamska [at] pb.edu.pl

Department Office:

Marta Konopacka, MSc, Eng.
Wiejska 45E street, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
room: 219A
+48 85 746 95 96
+48 571 443 126
wb.kgdig [at] pb.edu.pl

Educationally Staff:

Degree/title, Name and surname Room Phone/mobile Email
prof. Władysław Gardziejczyk, DSc, PhD, Eng. 224A   w.gardziejczyk [at] pb.edu.pl
prof. Andrzej Kobryń, DSc, PhD, Eng. 127   a.kobryn [at] pb.edu.pl
prof.  Maria J. Sulewska, DSc, PhD, Eng. 22B   m.sulewska [at] pb.edu.pl
prof. Katarzyna Zabielska-Adamska, DSc, PhD, Eng. 24B   kadamska [at] pb.edu.pl
Assoc. Prof. Zenon Szypcio, DSc, PhD, Eng. 23B   z.szypcio [at] pb.edu.pl
Katarzyna Dołżyk-Szypcio, DSc, PhD, Eng. 23B   k.dolzyk [at] pb.edu.pl
Robert Ziółkowski, DSc, PhD, Eng. 216A   robert.ziolkowski [at] pb.edu.pl
Iwona Chmielewska, PhD, Eng. 32B   i.chmielewska [at] pb.edu.pl
Paweł Gierasimiuk, PhD, Eng. 215A   p.gierasimiuk [at] pb.edu.pl
Wojciech Gosk, PhD, Eng. 32B   w.gosk [at] pb.edu.pl
Waldemar Łupiński, PhD, Eng. 114A   w.lupinski [at] pb.edu.pl
Marek Motylewicz, PhD, Eng. 215A   m.motylewicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Ewa Ołdakowska, PhD, Eng. 226A   e.oldakowska [at] pb.edu.pl
Andrzej Plewa, PhD, Eng. 226A   a.plewa [at] pb.edu.pl
Mariola Wasil, PhD, Eng. 25B   m.wasil [at] pb.edu.pl
Marta Wasilewska, PhD, Eng. 216A   marta.wasilewska [at] pb.edu.pl
Roman Pacholak, PhD, Eng. 215A/018A   roman.pacholak [at] pb.edu.pl
Patryk Dobrzycki, Msc, Eng. 25B   patryk.dobrzycki [at] pb.edu.pl
Małgorzata Wysocka, Msc, Eng. 32B   m.wysocka [at] pb.edu.pl

Technical staff

Degree/title, Name and surname Room Phone/mobile Email
Dariusz Tymosiak, PhD, Eng. 27B +48 797 995 981 d.tymosiak [at] pb.edu.pl
Andrzej Łaszkiewicz, Msc, Eng.     a.laszkiewicz [at] pb.edu.pl

Works for the development of young scientists and participants of doctoral studies

No. Title Work manager
1. Variants and stages in the analysis of multidimensional interaction
problems in the mechanics of building structures
Prof. Czesław Miedziałowski,
DSc, PhD, Eng.
2. Influence of soil grain size and compaction on the geotechnical assessment of the subsoil Prof. Katarzyna Zabielska-Adamska,
DSc, PhD, Eng.
3. Natural parameter of land condition Assoc. Prof. Katarzyna Dołżyk-Szypcio, DSc, PhD, Eng.

Services and research offer:

  • Expert opinions and construction projects
  • Scientific and research work and studies
  • Expertise and technical design
  • Strength assessment of construction elements
  • Software and training in computer techniques
  • Static analyses of various types of structures
  • Dynamic calculations, analyses of structures loaded with time-varying excitation
  • Impact assessment of ground-borne vibrations on buildings and their users
  • Structural stability calculations
  • Analysis of structures in non-linear range
  • Analysis of damaged structures and in failure states
  • Comprehensive studies of subsoil
  • Investigations of bearing capacity of weak subsoil
  • Control of the state of density of embankments
  • Investigations of properties of industrial waste applied to earth structures
  • Evaluation of soils used in sealing layers of landfills
  • Design of embankments on organic soils
  • Design of various types of foundations


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