Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences

Department of Water Supply and Sewage Systems

Department Head – Assoc. Prof. Izabela Bartkowska, DSc, PhD, Eng.

i.bartkowska [at] pb.edu.pl

Department Office:

Elżbieta Stachniewicz, MSc, Eng.
Wiejska 45E street, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
room: 3/10
+48 85 746 95 63
wb.kwik [at] pb.edu.pl

Scientific and didactic employees:

Degree/title, Name and surname Room Phone/mobile Email
Assoc. Prof. Izabela Bartkowska, DSc, PhD, Eng. 4/36 +48 85 746 96 49 i.bartkowska [at] pb.edu.pl
Assoc. Prof. Izabela Tałałaj, DSc, PhD, Eng. 4/34 +48 571 443 162 i.talalaj [at] pb.edu.pl
Assoc. Prof. Joanna Kazimierowicz, DSc, PhD, Eng. 4/8 +48 571 443 143 j.kazimierowicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Assist. Prof. Jacek Dawidowicz, DSc, PhD, Eng. 4/7 +48 571 443 145 j.dawidowicz [at] pb.edu.pl
Dariusz Andraka, PhD, Eng. 4/5 +48 571 443 144 d.andraka [at] pb.edu.pl
Paweł Biedka, PhD, Eng. 4/5 +48 571 443 144 p.biedka [at] pb.edu.pl
Wojciech Kruszyński, PhD, Eng. 4/8 +48 571 443 143 w.kruszynski [at] pb.edu.pl
Joanna Gwoździej-Mazur, PhD, Eng. 4/4 +48 797 995 965 j.mazur [at] pb.edu.pl

Didactic employees:

Degree/title, Name and surname Room Phone/mobile Email
Assoc. Prof. Maria Walery, PhD, Eng. 4/6 +48 571 443 162 m.walery [at] pb.edu.pl
Agnieszka Trębicka, PhD, Eng. 4/35 +48 797 995 966 a.trebicka [at] pb.edu.pl
Dariusz Wawrentowicz, PhD, Eng. 4/4 +48 797 995 965 d.wawrentowicz [at] pb.edu.pl


Works for the development of young scientists and participants of doctoral studies

No. Title Work manager
1. Research and modeling in water and sewage systems and waste management Assoc. Prof. Izabela Bartkowska, DSc, PhD, Eng. (Dzienis L., Hurynovich A., Tałałaj I., Dawidowicz J., Andraka D., Biedka P., Gwoździej-Mazur J., Walery M., Kazimierowicz J., Kruszyński W., Trębicka A.)

Services and research offer

Evaluations of existing water supply and sewerage networks and facilities:

  • optimization and increased reliability of water supply and sewerage systems,
  • Reliability testing of networks and facilities,
  • analyses of water losses in water supply system,
  • diagnostics of existing condition, analysis of water supply network capacity in terms of changes related to water distribution, analysis of exceptional conditions (failures, fire expenses),
  • hydrodynamic modeling of water distribution and sewage disposal systems,
  • model building and hydraulic simulations of sewage network operation in dynamic conditions using available software,
  • modernization and implementation of network monitoring systems,
  • supervision over implementation of GIS type databases,
  • hydraulic analyses of water distribution systems,
  • expert opinions for technical condition assessment.

Developing and assessing the effectiveness of household, municipal and industrial wastewater treatment technologies and sewage sludge disposal:

  • physical and chemical analyses of sewage and sewage sludge,
  • Selection of the optimum technology for sewage treatment and sewage sludge disposal,
  • concepts and designs of sewage treatment plants,
  • Concepts and designs for modernization of sewage treatment plants,
  • supervision of sewage treatment plant start-ups,
  • Expert opinions on the effectiveness of existing wastewater treatment facilities.

Development and assessment of the effectiveness of water treatment technologies for household and industrial purposes:

  • physical and chemical analyses of underground and surface waters.
  • Selection of water treatment technologies,
  • development of concepts and designs of underground and surface water treatment stations,
  • supervision of equipment start-up,
  • expert opinions on the effectiveness of existing treatment stations.

Studies in the field of disposal and treatment of rain water sewage:

  • physical and chemical analyses of rain water sewage and rain water sewage sludge,
  • functional analysis of existing rainwater discharge systems,
  • Evaluation of the possibility of using rainwater treatment devices.

Municipal waste management studies:

  • development of a waste management plan,
  • expert opinions on the functioning of municipal waste landfills,
  • physical and chemical analyses of leachates,
  • concepts for treatment of leachate,
  • assessment of the possibility of using reverse osmosis in wastewater and landfill leachate treatment.

Studies in the field of odour deodorisation from municipal management facilities:

  • measurement of odour intensity and intensity,
  • concepts of odour disposal.


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